Saturday 14 March 2015

Weekly Update #5 (March 8th-14th)

This post will most likely be a bit shorter than my normal ones (maybe) since I tried to take it easier this week. I've been having a lot of bad luck recently and needed to sort some personal things out so I had less time to work. I still did a decent amount in my sketchbook and I did a lot of little A5 drawings, a speedpainting and a traditional painting but I did focus most of my energy on research and sorting out other things. I like what I've done despite not feeling as focused on what I'm doing. I'm going through a phase where I really like fineliner and marker, which is very different from what I normally do. I've done a lot of research into Sagazan's work, it disturbs me but I really enjoy it at the same time. I also found a digital artist on the 3DTotal's gallery page called Liam Peters who has some interesting work that I liked, although there is not much about him that I can find.
Monster Speedpainting ~30 mins (made later in the week, these images are not in chronological order this time) made in Photoshop CS5
The upcoming week I hope to get back into the swing of things and get started with a more detailed digital painting again, most likely another gas mask one. I also was given my mother's good camera so I may play around with that despite me having little experience with photography and cameras other then my iPhone. I hope to do more speedpaintings on Photoshop and trying out even new brushes...I need to finish sorting the brushes into categories so this will probably help me. I still want to keep up with traditional pieces as well, I really enjoy swapping things between digital and traditional since it gives me more ideas.
Some A5 drawings, done in fineliner or marker so don't judge too much as I couldn't erase and fix anything. And most drawings took me less then 10 minutes.
I've also borrowed Powers of Horror from the library and I already enjoy what I've read, so that should keep me entertained at the very least. I'm also considering replaying the Fallout games as a way of research considering it is a very detailed interpretation of someone's perception of what the apocalypse would be like. This is a major theme in my work so I think it would be beneficial if I take a look and explore post apocalyptic environments in the only way I can to experience what others would think it would be like. I'll also look into the concept art and any other development information I can find about these games.
More A5 drawings in fineliner and marker...I know the themes may seem random, I just grouped them based off of similar size/shape/if they were landscape or portrait.
My sister is coming for a visit next week too which should be fun and I hope to get a decent amount of feedback from her. I know we are visiting Battle Abbey and Battlefield, the site of the 1066 Battle of Hastings, Camden Market and other areas in London, and The Making of Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studio Tour (been there before and it was fantastic) so I should hopefully get some good things for my sketchbook. I hope the battlefields will provide good photos, I would like to try to find some gas masks at camden market and maybe take some 'creepy' photos, and research more into concept art of Harry Potter (I already have photos and artists names but have yet to look into them...some of the monsters such as the werewolf, dragons, Thestrals  and Dementors are pretty interesting).
Fineliner sketches of some of Sagazan's work (paintings, photos, performances).
I think seeing my sister and getting some feedback from her will be helpful, I'll be sure to document whatever I can without intruding too much on her visit as family and the people important to me should always be a higher priority than work. I'll be working as hard as I can since I enjoy it anyway though.
Acrylic painting I made using a printed copy of the pen drawing above and using Sagazan's original as a reference.
Thanks for reading and/or looking at my work, even if this stuff isn't as impressive this week.

1 comment:

  1. My favourite is the blue one , reminds me of a sea monster rising up out of the waves.
