Saturday, 14 February 2015

Weekly Update #1 (Feb 7-14)

So this is my first real post on this blog...I've had a very busy week this week between sorting out my FMP proposal/timetable, making as many painting/drawings as I could (mostly based on my sister's sculpture and of other wolf photos), making both this blog and the UCA Pre-Degree Fine Art blog, having to sort out my visa renewal in London and having to go all the way back home to Brentwood for a doctor appointment which has left me in pain. However, I am very excited for this project...I have so many ideas going on in my head that it's making it difficult to sleep hence me making this post at 1 A.M (although I won't post this till later). Overall I'm happy with the amount of work I've done this week and I really hope people enjoy using this blog system. I might get somewhat personal on mine but on my weekly updates I'll try to keep it mostly uni related, but I find talking about other things sometimes helps.

I know I'm posting this while I'm the only one part of the whole blog feedback thing, but maybe when people are more interested they can come and have a look at this as what I was sort of thinking weekly updates would be like. Anyway, in this post are some of the things I've made this week excluding my sketchbook work as I have tons of writing so I will rarely post anything about stuff in that. I've also started playing about with using my digital painting to create different designs for this blog, mostly just for fun (for example, the the white outline of the gas mask person from one of my previous drawings and the font for the blog title at the top of this page).

Gas Mask digital painting...the start of my FMP (Photoshop CS5)

Left: acrylic finger painting on paper, Right: fineliner (various thicknesses)

Top: Acrylic with ink wash, Bottom: Marker on Acetate

Both: Fineliner

I've also gotten in contact with my sister and I'm hoping to get some better quality photos of her old photography along with some audio of old plane crash recordings that she'd listen to when making her wolf sculpture...was thinking about experimenting with that in some way but I'll see how things go. I've also started a new digital painting, this one using a photo from the zombie walk in Asbury Park my sister and I went to in 2011 I that should be done by next week I hope. We'll see how everything goes, unexpected things always tend to pop up and ideas change. Hope this is sort of a good example of a weekly update but I guess it all depends on the individual...I enjoy typing and writing so there will usually be a decent amount of text from me but people work in different ways.

Not sure what else to type so I'll end it here I guess, feel free to comment once you make a blog and stuff, I'll always love feedback as long as it's not purposely mean. Also feel free to subscribe if you'd like email updates.



  1. The idea of having a sound track while you work has got me thinking. Very detailed thought provoking work. Mel

    1. Thanks, sorry I only just saw this...I always listen to music as I work as I find it gives me some sort of rhythm so playing around with what I listen to may be interesting...

  2. I love the wolves in fine liner, Deanna.

    1. Thanks! I go in such phases of what I like to work in...currently in a fineliner/marker phase I think. Feel like it gives me lots of freedom as I know if I make a mistake there's no point stressing about it because it's done. I commented on your blog post, you've been added to the main blog list if you haven't seen that comment yet!
