Saturday 11 April 2015

Weekly Update #9 (April 5th-April 11th)

Unfortunately Easter break is over so it's back to uni again. On the bright side, I love the work I'm making and there's only about a month left until the end of my Foundation year. I'm hoping I'm doing enough for a distinction, but we'll see. I still don't really have an exact idea of what I'm doing for my final exhibition piece but I'm hoping it's discussed when I go back on Monday.
Thestral digital painting...really liked making this, found the colours fun.
I've been focusing alot on digital painting, but I've still been doing some little traditional sketches. I'm really loving digital painting more and more as I continue to practice and experiment. It's funny because I never really enjoyed colour but now in Photoshop I'm able to practice with it without worrying about ruining my picture. I've also been making more images/research on Sagazan, since I really like his work. I found an interview with him that I found very interesting, I'm thinking about finding a copy of his 'Transfiguration' video and watching it all since I can only find short clips of it on Youtube.
Sagazan digital painting...liked how this one is slightly different because of the head (no eyes/mouth/nose), the religious references, and the odd tuft of hair on the top of his head.

I've also found some traditional sketches I made earlier that I forgot to post. These aren't my favourite, most of them I made very quick and I got bored of them or something so they aren't the most impressive but it's something. Some of them are newer, but same thing applies with me being slightly lazy but these A5 sketches are meant to be just quick ideas anyway.
Top left/right and bottom left are older sketches...bottom middle and bottom right are newer. Reference images range from photos I took at Warner Bros. Studios, photos I found online, and images in The Creature Vault book.
Newer sketch of Smaug using this as reference/inspiration...liked this a lot because it is more like how Tolkien described dragons in his books as 'great worms' since not all dragons had wings/not all could breathe fire. My sketch is nothing compared to the original.
I've also decided to do a really quick speedpainting to experiment with my new brushes and give a more painterly feel to my digital paintings instead of extreme detail and realism. I really liked the result and the colours, I used this image as my reference for both my original pencil sketch and the colours for my speedpainting. I used 3 different for the background, one for the dock and one for the dog. All 3 brushes were new ones that I downloaded from Darek Zabrocki's free downloadable brush set. I loved the texture of the brushes, I would like to do more speedpaintings like this. It really only took me about 15 minutes but Photoshop went all buggy at one point so it took me alot longer to sort out the bug and manipulate my image, so I settled to for saying it took me about 25-30 minutes.
Absolutely loved making this piece, it was so much fun and want to do more like this.
I made a similar piece to the dog speedpainting above, I don't like it as much but I still enjoyed making it and think it looks interesting. I think I might not like the wolf one as much simply because of the colours used...I liked the contrast of warm and cool colours in the dog digital painting while the wolf one does not have that contrast as much. The wolf one took me about 20 minutes to make and I used some brushes that I used int he dog one but I also tried some new ones for the background along with some overlay layers.
Wolf digital speedpainting.
I think I have a general idea of what I want to do over the next few weeks to organize my final exhibition, I'm pretty confident with the amount of work I've made so far and I made a basic artist statement (made for something else, but relates to my FMP too). I think I just need to make a decent selection of works that best show what I was trying to accomplish with this project.

Thanks for reading,
-Deanna Crisbacher

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